SBG Moray

MMA & BJJ Classes in Elgin, Moray

 SBG Moray Rules for Students

No outdoor shoes on the mats of any kind. Wrestling boots can be worn provided they do not mark the mats. Footwear must be worn at all times off the mats.

No sideline coaching.

Training safely is paramount, when training you are responsible for both your safety and the safety of your partner. If you or your partner should be hurt or injured stop immediately and alert a coach.

Show respect at all times for the gym environment, mats and equipment and your training partners and coaches. Take your training gear home and wash properly after class, Always take home rubbish and water bottles.

Kickboxing classes require 12 oz gloves, Muay Thai/ MMA shin guards and mouth-guard to spar. 

No open sparring with head contact for under 16s. 

 Arrive clean and keep good hygiene. Nails should be short and clean. Avoid training if you have anything contagious to others ie. Skin infections or illness. If you suspect you might have a skin infection speak with a coach prior to training.

If you bleed on the mats or equipment, YOU are responsible for cleaning.

Membership fees must be paid to train. If you are genuinely experiencing difficulty paying please speak with a coach.

Wear appropriate training gear to classes. The club has equipment for sale and discount codes for gear providers.

Representation of our team is for members only and with direct permission from a coach.

Failure to respect the rules can result in membership termination.